The version updated on 1 August 2020 of the Rates and conditions of use for public equipment and public property fees can be downloaded (in French) at: Tarifs et conditions d’usage des outillages publics et redevances domaniales 2020 V 01 08 20
The version updated on 1 August 2020 of the Rates and conditions of use for public equipment and public property fees can be downloaded (in French) at: Tarifs et conditions d’usage des outillages publics et redevances domaniales 2020 V 01 08 20
Everyone living in the southern Indian ocean maritime basin is impacted by issues such as the marine environment, fishing, aquaculture, scientific knowledge of oceanography, tourism, nautical and port-related activities, as well as coastal management and risks. The southern Indian Ocean maritime basin strategic document (DSBM) analyses the relationship between local inhabitants, the sea, and coastal […]
Pursuant to Article R 5312-94 of the French Transport Code, the suggested amendment to the rates and conditions of use for public equipment and public property fees of Grand Port Maritime de La Réunion (GPMDLR), specified below: “Version No. 3 – August 2020 / Creation of the following rates: Chapter 7-2: USER CHARGES FOR CREW […]
During his visit to Reunion Island from 11 to 14 February 2020, GPMDLR welcomed Mr Denis Robin, Secretary General of the Sea, on two separate occasions. On 11 February at Port Reunion’s head office, Mr Robin – accompanied by the Chair of the French Maritime Cluster and Reunion Island’s Prefect Jacques Billant – attended the […]
Replenishment of supplies for the Costa Deliziosa, which called at Port Reunion today, took place in strict compliance with the safety measures decided on in conjunction with Reunion Island’s Prefecture.
Validated by the Prefecture of Reunion Island on 24/04/2020: Procedure applicable to requests for exemption from the ban on recreational craft visits (in French)
The following information is subject to variation depending on changes to maritime traffic. Week of 15–21 June 2020 20/06/20: CMA-CGM KAILAS (container ship) MASCAREIGNES service – Duration of port call: 1 day Arriving from: Port-Louis/Next destination: Toamasina Clean bill of health CMA CGM KAILAS 20 06 20 19/06/20: MSC DIEGO (container ship) South African Persian […]
In accordance with recently-issued government guidelines on managing the coronavirus crisis, guidelines which were further clarified after the French President’s address to the nation, Port Reunion must adapt its working practices. It will have the twofold concern of protecting employees by reducing contact situations, while also ensuring that goods and provisions continue to arrive at […]
Eric Legrigeois, Chair of GPMDLR’s Executive Board: The maritime world has just lost one of its staunchest defenders! Founding Chairman of the Maritime Cluster, and as such member of Grand Port Maritime De La Réunion’s Development Council, Maurice Cerisola maintained his commitment to develop Reunion’s blue economy right to the very end. We are grateful […]
GEMPR hereby informs you of the provisions taken by port handling companies to ensure continuity of service while safeguarding port workers during the COVID-19 crisis. Download the full press release here (in French): Information GEM-PR 20 03 2020