Signature of the Territoires d’industrie agreement in the presence of Bruno Le Maire, French Minister for the Economy and Finance

Launched by the French Prime Minister at the National Industry Council on 22 November 2018, the “Industry Territories” programme is part of a strategy aimed at revitalising industry and the development of French territories. This initiative enables coordinated mobilisation of existing policy levers, whether they come under the responsibility of the State and its operators, of local authorities or their public establishments, or of businesses at the service of industry and their territory.

144 territories – including the West Coast Inter-Council Partnership (TCO) – have been identified as areas where elected representatives and economic stakeholders are invited to co-build a project for their region. GPMDLR participates in the “Industry Territories” approach by supporting TCO’s development projects such as that of the Rear Port Area and development of the blue economy.

The first step in validating the TCO project was the signature by all stakeholders of the “Industry Territories” protocol during the French President’s visit to Reunion on 23 October 2019, in the presence of Bruno Lemaire, Minister for the Economy and Finance.

The next step, which will enable the project to be finalised and will formalise the commitment of the various parties concerned, will consist in signing the TCO “Industry Territories” contract.